Contact Us Today - 859.873.0188

Professional Training, Consulting, Microscopic Analysis & More

At Coal Combustion Inc. we provide information concerning the buying, selling, and burning of coal and other solid fuels including: petroleum coke, synfuels, pond fines, biofuels, and refuse derived fuels.

Our Specialties include: Consulting, training, analysis of Fireside ash deposits, test burns, coal specifications, and combustion tune-ups.   In addition, Rod performs as an Expert Witness.

President and Chief Technical Officer: Rod Hatt

Rod Hatt, President of Coal Combustion, Inc. (founded 2003) has over thirty years of experience: seventeen as an independent coal quality specialist, seven in technical coal sales and marketing, and six as a utility combustion and results engineer. Rod is an expert on how coal quality impacts the operation and performance of industrial and utility coal-fired steam plants. He works regularly with fuel purchasing, plant operation and engineering departments at utilities, as well as with coal sales and mining companies.  Rod specializes in analytical services of slag and ash deposits and provides advanced analysis, including electron microscopy of deposits. His other services include computer software development and sales, training classes, and expert services. 

Rod’s excellent analytical, communication and marketing skills have enabled him to understand, communicate and solve countless complex coal quality problems.  In addition, he organizes and participates in a number of classes, workshops and conferences.  His “Coal Quality & Combustion Class” has been attended by hundreds of attendees, representing dozens of companies. The CCI classes are continuing education certified. This class is design to provide real world information useful in understanding and utilizing coal in power plants.   The material is presented in a manner that allows attendees to grasp the complex physical and chemical nature of coal as a fuel and helps them to develops better communication and decision-making skills to apply at their plant.

BS Chemistry from Michigan Tech 1980
Combustion Engineer – NIPSCo – 1980-86
Director Technical Services – Island Creek Coal Sales Co 1986-93
Director of Marketing, Manager Fuel Utilization – CT&E (SGS) Coal Lab Co. 1994-2002

Member or past member of:

The Coal Institute
American Chemical Society (ACS)
American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME)
Society for Mining Metallurgy and Exploration (SME)
North Carolina Coal Institute (NCCI)
Lexington Coal Exchange
Rocky Mountain Coal Institute

Mission Statement:


 It is the mission of Coal Combustion, Inc., to teach coal-fired power plants around the world about methods that will enable them to better burn their coal and to enlighten the coal industry at large as to the properties and performance of different types of coal.      


Our Customers

We strive to assist our customers in managing risk and cost associated with coal quality & combustion.

Projects include training and consulting, internationally, from mine evaluation to stack pollutants. 

C-Reiss Arch Foresight Jupiter Oxygen
Luminant Progress Energy OUC Shaw Group





2025 Rates

Our Customers

We strive to assist our customers in managing risk and cost associated with coal quality & combustion.

Projects include training and consulting, internationally, from mine evaluation to stack pollutants.

List of Customers

Seam to Stack:  Coal Chemistry Explained

Our services help coal users understand the complex issues involved in coal quality. 

Starting at the mine seam and following the coal through the power plant, understanding your fuel and it's realtionship to your plant is imperative. 

Training Facility

Located in picturesque Versailles Kentucky.

114 South Main Street

Versailles, KY 40383