Contact Us Today - 859.873.0188

Professional Training, Consulting, Microscopic Analysis &  More

New 10 Chapter Coal Quality Class Now Offered Online For Only $499

Welcome To Coal Combustion, Inc.


Coal Combustion, Inc. (founded 2003) works to help the coal industry better understand coal quality, as well as the operation and performance of coal-fired steam plants. Mr. Hatt, President and Chief Technical Officer, works regularly with fuel purchasing, plant operation and engineering departments at utilities and with coal sales and mining companies. His seminars have been attended by hundreds of attendees representing dozens of companies. CCI specializes in coal quality and combustion consulting, with expertise in slag and ash deposits. Mr. Hatt also provides advanced analytical services, including electron microscopy of deposits and expert witness in high profile litigation.

Fuel Flexibility is key in today's electric economy.

What type of coal are your burning? Is it anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, lignite, or PRB?  Was your plant designed for that fuel?

Fuel quality and the combustion process directly impact major costs like wear, ash deposits, pluggages and tube leaks.  We at Coal Combustion teach your work force how and why solid fuels cause these major cost issues and how to prevent these issues in the future.Fuel Flexibility is key in today's electric economy.


Consulting, Training/ Certified Continuing Eductation, Coal Slag and Ash Analysis, Expert Witness and COAL XL Software

Risk in Coal Combustion

Risk $ = Coal Quality and Combustion = $$$$$$$$ derates and outages


Problem Solving Seminars



2025 Rates

Fuel is the largest cost and causes the most issues with EFOR. 

We help you understand why.

Coal School Today 

The CCI Coal Qualtiy and Combustion classes are designed to help plant managers, strategic engineers, risk management personnel, fuel buyers, and operators understand the chemistry involved with your fuels.  Fuel quality can cause multiple issues.

  Better understanding helps to minimize the risk.

Here at CCI we provide a variety of Professional training courses for the the coal industry. Click on the calendar to veiw upcoming classes.

On-site Operator Training

Do you need on-site operator training? Rod can work with your power plant to develope classes that fit your needs.